

Have An Undeniable Experience of
Who You Really Are!

Who Would Benefit?

***Anyone in a relationship.

***Anyone with a PAST!

***Anyone who cannot say:
sad mistake
looked like a good idea at the time
about anything in their past.


Please find useful links below:

The Presence Process
A powerful process to transform one's life.
Dr. David R Hawkins
Click here to find a
life changing experience with
Dr. David R Hawkins, Ph.D
(author of numerous writings on consciousness)
Pema Chodron
Ani Pema Chodron Buddhist nun and author of several books on Buddha consciousness.

Emotions Anonymous

Twelve Step program for anyone who has ever had negative emotions.
(hint pretty much anyone)

Centers for Spiritual Living

A "New Thought" center
to find a new way of living